We are pleased to announce two new talks and a new guided walk.
On the 12th July, at 7.30 in the Kenwood Hotel, Anne, The Bustle Lady will be talking about ‘The Wonders of Gas’, in which she will include our sewer gas powered lamp. Anne is a historian specialising in the mid to late Victorian era, covering a wide range of topics: social, economic, political, domestic, agricultural and technological of the period 1875 to 1888. As well as bringing the history of this time to life, she aims to draw parallels with our modern lives.
On the 15th September at 11.00am as part of Heritage Week will be a guided walk on Nether Edge’s ‘Creative Women’. These will include Joyce Himsworth silversmith, Annie Binden Carter artist, and the Drabble sisters who were prolific writers. For walk bookings please see https://www.heritageopendays.org.uk/visiting/event/nether-edge-history-group-walk-creative-women-of-nether-edge
On the 20th September at 7.30 again at the Kenwood Hotel will be a talk by Jenny Rudd on Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Lady Mary was married to the British Ambassador to Constantinople. There she observed the ladies of the harem ‘inoculating’ their children against smallpox with a small amount of smallpox matter. Mary, a very remarkable woman, brought this practice to England in 1720 – years before Edward Jenner came up with the safer idea of using cowpox matter.
As part of Heritage week the walk is free and the talks are £5 for entry. Doors open to the public at 7.00pm.

Anne the Bustle Lady